(May 06 22:00) Fail Blog
Manager geniuses are a dime a dozen, and those in head office have a particular knack for annihilating systems that work, attempting to 'better the work environment' for ego's sake. Brilliant ideas range from inefficient procedures, changing working hours, or introducing a new, uncomfortable uniform that doesn't suit the 'work environment' they're trying so hard to fix. In this case, OP was working in an industry that they claim is logically equivalent to the warehouse industry. OP mainly did administration work, but helped out in other areas as well. Well, as stated previously, some managers are geniuses, and this one was both a manager and in head office, so double the trouble. He decided new uniforms were in order, and chose the heaviest fabrics, divided them into 3 pieces, topping them off with a pair of heels.OP could no longer help work machinery when wearing this ridiculous outfit but was guaranteed they wouldn't have to. Unfortunately, they were short-staffed, so if OP wouldn't, who would? After having nobody step in to help, the company began missing deadlines, which resulted in angry clients and a tough drop in production. Soon after OP had a meeting with management and HR, which resulted in the uniform getting tossed.Scroll down for the full detailed account of events. For more stories like this, here is a team of students who missed their MVP project deadline after they told their teacher to 'back off', resulting in a big, fat zero.
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