(May 06 20:00) Fail Blog
There are some bosses in this world who decide when things are personal and when it's "just business" whenever the situation is convenient for them. That seems to be the case with this toxic supervisor, who did not take his employee's resignation well at all. In fact, he claimed to have found out about her accepting a competitive offer a few weeks ago. and threw shade at how she waited to inform him of her resignation until after she collected her bonus. Dude, that's what anyone would have done if they were in the same situation. You can't pretend otherwise! This thread was posted to Reddit by u/ClarityLlama, who explained that she also drafted a personal letter thanking her boss for all the ways he nurtured her professional career over the years. He refused to read the letter. Now that, my friends, is petty and unprofessional. It's also further proof that she is making the right decision. For more work stories, check out this post about a demanding restaurant manager.
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