(May 05 23:00) Fail Blog
Receiving a huge tip turned into rollercoaster of emotions for this delivery driver. When you're working in food service, the wages are not great. Many people make either minimum wage or just above that, and they really rely on tips to make their working hours count. So it's unfortunate to see that this delivery driver, who works for a sandwich shop, got stiffed out of $70, equivalent to more than 4 hours of work at a $15 minimum wage. This person explained the whole story below. They later added an update, working off of the excellent advice given to them by commenters, several of whom are actually general managers. We're crossing our fingers for this person, and awaiting another update (hopefully one that is more positive for the OP). Next, these people shared ideas aloud that they thought were so smart, only to realize they were utterly wrong.
You can find the original article