What Is Wrong With Your Cat: 17 Funny And Chaotic Pictures Of Cats With Absolutely No Context

Oh, cats… As cat owners and as people who love cats pretty much more than most things in the world, we feel like it's safe for us to say that cats… cats are kinda weird. There are just some things that they do that make us question how the universe managed to create such unique creatures. For example. have you seen those photos of cats standing up on two legs just like humans do? And what about those hissterical pictures of cats sitting on their butts? Now, go ahead and explain those cats who really love human foods. Like that cat who has an intense obsession with cucumbers. Go ahead. We dare you. Explain them. Impawssible. That's okay though. We don't need to understand the logic behind everything that cats do to love them. In fact, it's the opposite. Sometimes, ridiculous pictures of cats with absolutely no context that make us ask 'what the hell is wrong with your cat?' are the ones that make us laugh the hardest. PS, we encourage you to treat yourself to our pawesome new products: a cat calendar, and a matching cat & me Christmas sweater!Check out our store here! Now at specially discounted rates, get them while they're hot.