15 Tech Support Cats Take Over Keyboards And Streams

If you have a cat then you're probably not the head of the house. As soon as a cat walks inside your home, the home is immediately signed over in the name of the cat. From that moment on, they make up the rules, the schedules, basically dictate your every move and judge you while at it. But if we're being honest, that's exactly why we love them. If not for their hooligan demeanor, cats wouldn't be the spunky, sassy selves they are today. Speaking of hooligan shenanigans, one of their favorite ways to create chaos and establish dominance is by sitting on or in front of your computer as you're using it. But what's more, as soon as you step away from the computer, they suddenly turn into technical geniuses and take over your entire stream, project, or whatever else you have opened up in your browser. What beholds is a collection of 15 cats that prove they're the ultimate tech guys, enjoy!