15-Year-Old Super-Senior Cat Goes For A Leisurely Stroll In A Carry Wagon (Video)

As cat owners, we look at our cats every single day and think about how grateful we are to have them, how much they make our lives better, and how much we hope that they will live long and happy lives. Everyone dreads That Day in the future, so we want to make the best of today. We want to make our cats as happy as possible every single day, and we want to show people that, even in old age, cats deserve just as much love as always if not more. We want to show people that senior cats are pretty heckin' great pets. The shenanigans don't stop when cats get older. Some senior cats really hate drinking water for some reason. Other senior cats demand to be held at all friggin' times. Some senior cats cry when their favorite sweater is taken off. Some senior cats are chill and get even cuddlier with age. And the cat in today's video apparently really likes going on strolls in a carry wagon. Love senior cats, care for them, and appreciate the changes that come when they get older. Senior cats are pawmazing.