Politician video calls into debate on distracted driving law while...driving

Sometimes people do things that make you wonder if they were really thinking...like...at all. Andrew Brenner, a Republican state senator in Ohio, provided a pitch perfect example of such an incident this week.   The state senate in Ohio is debating a bill that would increase penalties for distracted driving. Brenner — who supports stricter penalties — called into a debate on that bill while driving. Zoom fails are pretty common these days, but this bit of hypocrisy was so easy to avoid.  Brenner seemed to make a hilariously poor attempt at covering his tracks during the Ohio Controlling Board meeting. After first appearing onscreen for the meeting clearly in his car, he added a background that seemed to be a home office. But, of course, his seat belt was still slung across his chest and the background faded in and out.  Read more...More about Zoom, Culture, Work Life, and Politics