It's time to recognize just how darn good animated movies can be

Welcome to No Shame November! This week we're diving into the pop culture we love that society tells us we shouldn't. I hate it when people reduce animated films to being nothing more than "cute." Many are cute. And some are just cute. But we don't stick a single watered-down word on movies that aren't marketed toward kids, do we? We don't finish a Marvel movie and leave it at "that was fun" or watch a thought-provoking indie flick and say, "that was good." No. We obsess over the movies we love. We dissect them — we figure out how they apply to our own lives — and then we tell all our friends (and probably the internet) that they should watch them, too. And while it's become less taboo for adults to appreciate animated films even when they're targeted toward family audiences, I know plenty of people — acquaintances, relatives, critics — who still act as if enjoying an animated movie is enjoying a lower level of entertainment. Read more...More about Animation, No Shame November, Noshamenovember, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows