Big iPad Pro with Magic Keyboard is way heavier than you'd want

Apple has been positioning its iPad Pros as productivity devices that can replace a fully-fledged computer, and the recent launch of the Magic Keyboard, which has a full set of keys and a trackpad, is a big step in that direction. You'd still expect your iPad Pro and keyboard combo to be fairly light, though, so the Magic Keyboard's weight is a bit of an unpleasant surprise.  Apple doesn't officially list the Magic Keyboard's weight on its site, but a MacRumors reader weighed the version for the bigger, 12.9-inch iPad Pro at 710 grams (1.57 lbs).  Yes, the Magic Keyboard for the 12.9-inch iPad Pro is heavier than the actual iPad. Image: apple Read more...More about Apple, Ipad Pro, Macbook Air, Macbook Pro, and Magic Keyboard