Abby and Brittany Hensel Are The World’s Most Famous Conjoined Twins

The story of Abby and Brittany Hensel who are conjoined twice that has made headlines all over the world. Despite their serious medical problem, the two sisters never let anything get in the way of their dreams. Everyone told them that they could never live a normal life since they share the same body, but neither Abby nor Brittany listened to what the “bad mouths” had to say. With that said, get ready to see the story of two amazing girls who are doing everything in their power to live a normal life despite their medical condition. 20. Meet The Sisters Abby and Brittany are conjoined twins and as you can clearly imagine why, their life has never been easy. The two sisters need to deal with issues that other people never have to think about and fortunately, they are not letting this get their spirits down.