How 'God of War' Taught Me To Be a Good Father

A lot of us video game fans were stoked as hell when details about the most new God of War came out, and guess what? We were right. The game is incredible. But God of War's newly serious storyline also has a lot to teach us about life. Let’s take a look at some of the way Kratos' journey with Atreus taught us to be better parents. Keep your entire family history a complete secret from your children Kratos obviously has some, uh... skeletons in his closet that might be difficult to explain to any child. So why even bother? And the same can be said for you — sure, your family history probably doesn't include anything as bad as Kratos, who killed his wife and child and then exacted a terrible revenge on the entire Pantheon of Greek gods who tricked him into doing it, but you probably have a DUI or something. Rather than talk about it, just yell at your kid when they bring it up. You can't solve every problem by throwing an axe at it God of War's early puzzles can be solved by just hanging back and throwing your axe at troll, or at three bells in quick session, or a lever you need to freeze. But as life goes on, suddenly problems become more complicated, and throwing your axe is no longer the end-all-be-all solution it once was. Just like in real life. The importance of spreading your experience points around evenly You maybe want to focus on just one thing in life, be it art, or chemistry, or doing a ground punch to the ground that freezes the enemies around you. But it's important to diversify — otherwise, you'll come upon problems you are not well equipped to deal with, like taxes, or ranged enemies. Have a son who cannot be killed I'll be honest, there were times where I would just sit back and let my enemies in God of War wail on my son, and each and every time there were no consequences besides him just lying dazed on the ground for a while. It seems beneficial to have an indestructible kid, even for the simple relief as not having to pay for a car seat. My dad owns no axes. Please adopt me. Contributor: Will WeldonView Count: 0Featured: Weekly View Count: 0Content Tag: god of warplaystationkratosatreus